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Teen Mom 2 Corey And Miranda Simms Tell Their Side Of The Story On Ali's Backpack Claim!

After watching Monday night's episode of Teen Mom 2 when Leah Messer received a heartbreaking video of her daughter, Ali, accusing Corey Simms' wife, Miranda Simms, of not helping her carry her heavy backpack, Miranda is now speaking out to tell her side of the story.

In an interview with MTV, both Corey and Miranda spoke out about Ali's heartbreaking claim.

Miranda tells MTV, “I always try to carry Ali’s backpack for her,”

adding, “I would never try to do any harm to the children or create any kind of task that I know Ali cannot do."

“I’m not saying how she felt was wrong — her feelings are important. I just hope that we can move on, and I hope that the girls feel comfortable no matter where they are at one time.”

Corey reportedly showed his support for Miranda, telling MTV News, “Miranda has been around the girls since they were two years old,” adding, “Miranda is aware of what Ali is capable of and what she’s not capable of doing. If Miranda would have felt that the backpack was too heavy, she would not have made her carry the backpack.”

As for Ali's claim that Corey and Miranda pay more attention to their newborn daughter "Remi" Miranda revealed, “After Remi was born, I’ve never seen any type of jealousy that the girls had towards Remi or any kind of feeling that they felt left out,” she explained. “Yes, it would be a big change for two six-year-olds to have a new baby in their lives when they’re used to just being the kids in the house.”

What's your thoughts about Miranda's response?


  1. Its a big change for 2 6 year olds to have a new baby in there lives. When they use to be the only 2. Really does Leah not have another child. Im pretty sure there used to have another child/baby around. Nice try find a better excuse.

    1. Well what she said was "Yes, it would be a big change for two six-year-olds to have a new baby in their lives when they’re used to just being the kids in the house" meaning Corey and Miranda's house.
      Miranda seems like a genuine person and just wants what best for the girls everyone is throwing this out of proportion.

    2. Agreed, It's the change in Corey and Miranda's home don't even try to bring Leah in to this one read the article lady lol

  2. Its a big change for 2 6 year olds to have a new baby in there lives. When they use to be the only 2. Really does Leah not have another child. Im pretty sure there used to have another child/baby around. Nice try find a better excuse.

  3. I have a nine month and not once have my kids say I pay more attention to him. Why??? Cause I don't make them feel that way. Kids say what they feel wake up miranda

  4. I have a nine month and not once have my kids say I pay more attention to him. Why??? Cause I don't make them feel that way. Kids say what they feel wake up miranda

  5. Sound like she genuinley didn't know that the girls felt the way they did and was sorry but I'm always team Leah just because I think it's bs what Corey keeps putting her and those girls through one of their daughters is going through a lot of medical issues and might not even live very long let term enjoy their lives I think Leah and Corey both need to figure out a way to Co parent peacefully without all this court bs I do think Miranda has a lot to do with thier problems maybe she just don't get it but they we're fine until she started stirring that pot grow up already

    1. These episodes are filmed months in advance since then they're co-parenting great together confirmed by Leah herself

  6. Miranda needs to keep in mind that just because Ali could carry her back pack at the beginning of the day doesn't mean she can carry it later. Ali's muscles weaken as the day progresses and she becomes more fatigue making the back pack seem "heavier" for her. Let's remember it's a back pack adjust the straps put it on your back and carry baby Remi...problem solved. I'm sorry Miranda but there is not an excuse for the back pack issue. As for Ali feeling like Remi gets more attention then that's a sign to you and Corey to make some changes so she doesn't feel that way. It's hard being a parent; you have to learn to juggle and problem solve issues quickly to meet the needs of 3 little girls. Just learn from these issues that have come up and make changes as needed. Being a mom is a constant learning experience no one has a child and is a perfect parent.

  7. Do people realize how hard it is for father's to get custody of children? When he did have custody obviously there was a reason why! Mtv doesn't show everything obviously! I think it's sad that people jump to things not knowing everything! Ya Ali struggles more with things but not every parent is perfect either! Sometimes you push your kids to see what they can do to or maybe Miranda was stressed and having a bad day! No one knows the whole story and it's not fair to bash her for one thing seen on tv! Pretty sure if all our lives were all over tv not everything would be perfect! I think Leah is a good mom but obviously if a judge gave custody to Corey there's more to the story and reasons just saying! At least he wants to be in there lives cuz not all children get that!! People judge way to much over little things when I see blasted all over how kids are beaten and locked in closets and some die! I think we should be more concerned with those children then a backpack being carried and not knowing the whole story!!

    1. First of all have you not kept up the judge grant custody temporally because he messed with court records and the judge don't see the fake Corey or Miranda and that's why he had to back child support about lying for that to. So have seen Corey Miranda be sneaky and misleading. And you as a parent when you have a bad day does that mean you take it out on your kids as well. Prolly not right so excuses are like assholes everyone has one. And the twins have had plenty time around other babies I'm sure Leah has another one and if I remember correctly there aunt and family member just had one to. And from what I seen before Miranda came in the picture Corey and Leah was doing a better job co parenting than with her there. Yes its filmed months before and yes they edit it to get rating but lets not try to minimize the the problems. I'm sorry if my child had the possibility of not living a full and happy life I would want them happy and not feelings the court or the drama of it. I would want a happy life for her. And not all states are hard for dads to get custody. Fyi. Yes I think it was by far a wonderful thing for Leah to get help with bipolar but for custody no. And this is why more women don't seek treatment for it. Fear of loosing there children

  8. Do people realize how hard it is for father's to get custody of children? When he did have custody obviously there was a reason why! Mtv doesn't show everything obviously! I think it's sad that people jump to things not knowing everything! Ya Ali struggles more with things but not every parent is perfect either! Sometimes you push your kids to see what they can do to or maybe Miranda was stressed and having a bad day! No one knows the whole story and it's not fair to bash her for one thing seen on tv! Pretty sure if all our lives were all over tv not everything would be perfect! I think Leah is a good mom but obviously if a judge gave custody to Corey there's more to the story and reasons just saying! At least he wants to be in there lives cuz not all children get that!! People judge way to much over little things when I see blasted all over how kids are beaten and locked in closets and some die! I think we should be more concerned with those children then a backpack being carried and not knowing the whole story!!

  9. Anyone ever thought about getting Ali a backpack with wheels?
